Calling all
members of Associated Builders and Contractors Florida Gulf Coast Chapter – Robert Graves of Dale Carnegie Training will be
presenting an interactive seminar on “Coaching for Skill Development for Managers
and Leaders ” on Tuesday
9/16/2014 from 8:00 to 9:30 AM.
associates to help them succeed and to maintain performance standards is often
difficult for everyone involved. Managers need to know when to apply either
Supportive Coaching or Directive Coaching. Making the right choice
increases acceptance and promotes improvement. If we know how to be supportive
80% of the time, our people will allow us to be directive when the necessary
20% of the time arises. Learn how to choose a coaching style in this Dale
Carnegie Training Workshop.
you will learn in this Dale Carnegie Training Workshop:
ü Discover Readiness Levels
ü Understand the Directive Approaches
ü Uncover Coaching Sidetracks
ü Practice Supportive Coaching
more information contact: Jessica Long, Marketing & Communications Director,
ABC Florida Gulf Coast Chapter