Friday, November 29, 2013

How to be calm in a sales presentation

Find your calmness in the confidence of your own strengths. Your preserving skills come from your diligent training.

Find an instructor to coach your abilities to new heights. Then actually practice your training until new behavior patterns emerge.

When you are in front of your prospect, your calm confidence will spring from your new behaviors naturally. You do not have to think about how to behave, you can focus on the prospect instead.

Your prospect will be put at ease knowing you are listening, responding and solving their issues. Now is the time to ask for their business and gain commitment.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Where does confidence come from anyway?

Confidence comes from practicing courage.
Courage comes from the will to succeed.
The will to succeed comes from your heart's desire.
What is your heart's desire today?


Robert Graves, MBA, DCT
Director Business Performance Improvement
Dale Carnegie Training Tampa Bay
813-966-3058 direct cell or text
813-667-6224 Executive Assistant  <<< new online courses

“You will improve your life and
   grow your business too
    if you choose
the training that is right for you.”
~ Robert Graves